Elproma Time Servers
About our brand
ElpromaTime is a division engaged in the development of time synchronization technology and its security. We work together with governmental organizations and technical universities in the areas of standardization and security of the time provided. We participate in a number of international projects, setting new directions for the development of this industry for years to come.

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Brand: Elproma
The NTS-4000 is a IEEE1588 grandmaster clock, NTP stratum1 timeserver, and PRTC-A clock class network appliance. The std. version supports HQ OCXO holdover. The devices supports max. 4x LAN. The LAN1-2 support 100Mbps software time-stamping, upgradable to 10GbE*. Optional EXPANDER* NIC is available, supporting another 2x 1GbE with hardware time-stamping and PTP profiles. The NIC has own private PTP stack stored inside private FPGA. This approach ensures best cyber-security and high stability of synchronisation. Server supports 2x redundant GNSS receivers and redundant 2x power supplies. The sync I/O are: PPS, 10MHz, IRIG-B, ToD. This device is suitable for critical infrastructure support.
Brand: Elproma
NTS-5000 and (light)
The NTS-5000 is a PTP/IEEE1588 grandmaster, NTP stratum-1 time server and ePRTC*, PRTC-A & B clock.. It supports ref. time from GNSS or external atomic clocks. The std. version is equipped with Rubidium (Rb) and the LITE ver. supports HQ OCXO holdover. The devices supports max. 10x LAN. The LAN1-2 are 100Mbps software time-stamping, upgradable to 10GbE*. Optional 4x EXPANDER* cards are available, each supporting 2x 1GbE, with hardware time-stamping. Network cards have own private PTP stack stored inside private FPGA. This approach ensures best cyber-security and high stability of synchronisation. Product is suitable for any critical infrastructure and datacenter.
Brand: Elproma
NTS-3000 is a grandmaster PTP/IEEE1588 and NTP Stratum-1 Network Time Server. Optionally it can be equipped with TCXO* or OCXO* holdover oscillator. The oscillator guarantees precision time for period of missing GNSS satellite signals. Std configuration includes 2x 100Mbps on LAN1-2. The NTS-3000 supports 2x redundant GNSS receiver and has redundant* power supplies option. The sync I/O is 1PPS-input only to connect external freq. ref. This device is suitable for critical infrastructure support. It has uptime counted in years.
Brand: Elproma
NTS-9000 update
Elproma SafeTime NTS-5000 can be synchronised directly to Cesium 5071A taking both 1PPS and ToD (UTC) reference via D-SUB9 rs232 interface. The NTS-9000 is a value-add upgrade package (available separately). After firmware update the NTS-5000 is upgraded to NTS-9000. Since year 2020, this option is also available for NTS-3000 and NTS-4000 too. As a result, Elproma delivers to market, a ready to use single cesium time server hybrid system, so-called NTS-9000. This system is available on request only and requiring long term prefatory calibration to atomic cesium clock 5071A.